Today, I will be talking to both husbands and wives about the ways they can be ever-increasing.
To have an ever-increasing family, sisters must be ever-increasing. Sisters note this, you can not satisfy your husbands through food alone.
1. You must honour him first. A man can allow anything but will never permit you to dishonour him no matter how small or broke he is. A man wants to be pampered by his wife. The same way you pamper your children. Set aside special cutleries (plate, spoons etc) for him, and make it known that they are reserved for your husband alone. Make him know that he matters to you. Acknowledge that nobody is better than him even when he is not doing enough, and he will put more effort into you. Also never bring him down in the presence of your children, family or friends. Do not expose his weaknesses. It will work against you later. Instead, cover him up even if you have to go inside and weep so that you can be calm. Do it for the sake of your children.
2. Secondly, meet his sexual demands. Tantalise him with what he sees outside. Upgrade your sex life and be an appetizer before him. Make him salivate. Every man has the tendency to fall, help him. We are in the age of nudity, where girls walk around with barely any clothes on. So, close the doors and go naked before him. They are clothes to stir intimacy, wear them. Do not be “churchy” about it. The church shied away from sex and problems started. Talk about it. Tantalise your husband. Change your styles. Work on your body. Men are moved by what they see. It registers in their brains.
3. Thirdly, you must be prayerful. As you fire sexually, you must also fire spiritually. It is necessary for your husband to make it. The Bible says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favour from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22). In your closet, pray for him. Do not let the challenges of life make you pray less for your husband. Remember, beside every successful man there must be a woman. Your prayers for your husband will go a long way. Note this, if you are angry with your husband, his ways cannot be prosperous and things will not work properly for him. You must equally fear God and put Him first. Run away from sin and do not compare yourself with your husband.
4. Feed him and monitor his health. If he dies or anything happens, side chics and maids will run away and you will be left to carry your load. Even church members and extended family members will eventually leave to take care of their own homes.
Men, you also have your part to play. It takes two to tango. For your families to be ever-increasing, please take these steps:
1. Demonstrate your love, do not keep it to yourself. A lot of sisters are dying emotionally. Women do not need your appearance like that, they need your kind words and gestures. Do not be too serious at home that you cannot play with your wife. When you want to get down at night with her, be playful.
2. Appreciate her efforts. If you don't then you must not correct nor condemn her. When she cooks for you, appreciate her. Do the same for her looks, dresses, hair and efforts. Anyone can give money to a woman, but what she desires most are love and appreciation. Correct her in love. Women do not forget words. It was the woman who spoke
to the devil when Adam was not available and he suffered to date. Some women are walking corpses. Stop comparing her with other people. Don’t wish to have them, you do not know their weaknesses. A triangle forced into a circle will be a problem. If God chose for you, believe me, you may have challenges but you will laugh last. It keeps getting better by the day.
3. Create time to be with your wife and let her know that you are around because you miss her. Take her on getaways once in a while without the children because very soon it will only be you and her left. Let her use the experience to boost her emotions. When there is emotional balance, she will perform well and get things right. Nurture your wife. She is like a bank, what you put there is what you get later. All women are special in their own way. And they value it when they are with you alone. Do not allow the serpent (ungodly men) to convince your wife because you are unavailable for her (Genesis 3:2-6). While I am not encouraging infidelity, a lot of women have dabbled into it because of loneliness.
4. You are to dress your garden like Adam (Genesis 2:15). To ‘dress’ means to improve her; as you go up, pull her too. I respect men who nurture their wives. It is shameful for you to look good and your wife looks shabby and unkempt. You cannot claim to help people outside the home without first assisting your spouse. Charity begins at home. If she’s local, send her to finishing school. If she does not dress well, take her to a boutique and buy her nice dresses. When you focus on improving your wife, you will stop looking at or cherishing other people’s finished products. Fix us!