Romans 8:19, Isaiah 60:1-3
The life of manifestation is a life of heaven on earth. It is the life of God in a man. And the purpose of God for man is to bring him to adoption as a joint heir with Christ. The power of Jesus is your redemptive right and heritage, and the people of the world are waiting to see Christians who will exercise dominion in every sphere of life. Dominion is the hallmark of manifestation, through which God has empowered his children (Acts 1:8, Luke 10:18). So, any child of God that does not exercise his sonship may not manifest the power of God that is in him. Therefore, sons of God do not try to fit in or seek acceptance, instead, they stand out. Enemies of Manifestation (Zechariah 1:18-21)
1. Heads that are bowed: This symbolizes shame, poverty, inability to speak when others are speaking, inferiority complex, having to explain your salvation etc.
2. Hands that are tied (Zechariah 3:1-2).
3. Sin.
4. Tied feet (Psalm 105:17-20). When the altar call was made, 2 people responded; while there were 7 first-timers in the service.
Prayer Points:
1. Every satanic manipulation through the use of garments shall end today in the Name of Jesus.
2. My Father, every pillar supporting and sustaining affliction in my life, family and business, I command: your time is up, collapse and scatter in the Name of Jesus.
3. Every power that is contending with me for my on-time manifestation, arise O God and destroy them.
4. Father, every evil power on assignment to incapacitate me, I arrest and send them to their everlasting chains in Jesus’ Name.
5. Father, please let me locate myself in the morning of my life, not at night when it is too late, in the Name of Jesus.
6. Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, every might and power that sends battles back to the sender, let it arise and fight for me this morning.
7. In the Name of Jesus, the condition of not enough and no surplus, Father, terminate them in my life.