Helpful tips and steps for every working woman towards being more organized.
4. MAXIMIZE YOUR TIME: If you work full time, hire outside help to keep up your house and not your home, because you need the extra time for your family. Be a Total Woman and not a ‘super woman,’ who wants does everything. This leads to a stressed out woman who is not a joy to be around. I have tried it and ended up on a side bed. If you are unable to afford hiring someone to help clean your house, schedule a day or evening every week or twice a month when you can get the basics done such as cleaning the toilets, doing the laundry, dusting and mopping the rooms. Once you are able to achieve this, you would not be too reliant on hired helps because you are now able to do it yourself.
This principle also works well when you are planning for the holidays. In my case, I try to have everything finished for Christmas by December 1st, this way I have time to enjoy the season, go to parties, school errands and church functions without the added stress of trying to get ready for Christmas. Here is a useful secret for you, identify the hardest and most stressful part of your day and create a plan to ease or change it (if you can). When you are able to apply this amendment to your schedule, you will be able to do so much more. I’m an example of this. In my own case that stressful task is laundry, so I planned with a dry-cleaning outfit, who takes care of it and I pay them what is not too much for me to handle. Your day will go more smoothly if you take some stress out of it. Remember, when you make a task easier, you don’t just save time you make your life better.
5. CHANGE YOUR HOUSE INTO A HOME: Changing your house into a home can be one of the most fulfilling goals for a woman to achieve. Even if you are not the type of person who likes to clean, you probably love the warm feeling you get when you welcome your family and friends to your home. Just think about Christmas or the birthday of any member of your family. When my home is full of good food, beautiful decorations and loved ones, I have a true sense of contentment and fulfilment. My goal is to have this same kind of contentment in my home every day. It takes work, time, effort and wisdom to achieve this in our home. Titus 2:5 encourage us to be “sensible pure, workers at home.” This verse is an encouragement for us because it shows the Lord’s desire for us as wives and homemakers to be hard workers in our homes. In fact, the Psalmist said in Psalms 127:1, “unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain who build it.” In other words, we need the Lord to help us build our homes and if we follow his guidelines, we will succeed with this goal.